UC Library Search is the University of California’s new unified discovery and borrowing system that streamlines your search for UC Library collections, replacing Roger and Melvyl.
科睿唯安是一家独立的公司,拥有并经营着一批以订阅为基础的商业服务,主要为全球客户提供科学和学术研究、专利分析和监管标准、制药和生物技术情报、商标保护、品牌保护和知识产权管理等服务。 科睿唯安在全世界100多个国家和地区拥有超过4000名员工。
Promoting integrity in research and its publication
Microsoft Research 探索微软的研究,该网站以研究的影响以及出版物、产品、下载和研究职业为特色。
UC Library Search connects you with the library collections at all 10 University of California campuses plus additional databases to help you locate millions of resources.
INSPIRE 是高能物理最具影响力的国际学术信息交流平台之一,其前身为创建于上世纪 70 年代的高能物理文献数据库。
UC Library Search is the University of California’s new unified discovery and borrowing system that streamlines your search for UC Library collections, replacing Roger and Melvyl.